Novice Translator : The (Real) Legend Of Ken Arok

The Legend Of Ken Arok
 Original Folklore   :  East Java
Translator   :   Angela Hanum

Ken Arok - Ken Dedes
By Yongky.Y.
From many Java legends and history, I really like to translate this legend. This is honor for me to translate this legend and presenting this legend to the world.  I need two days to googling on Google and reading many books to make sure what I will writing is the real legend and not only tales.

After 10 books and 1 day and half for googling, I find and I feel this is the real of the legend, because I read this and I feel I was living in this legend and not merely mellow story which composed and made up.

So, let we starting this amazing legend in Java Island..........

Judge Bao And Qin Xianglian

The Story
Of Judge Bao
Qin Xianglian

------ Part IV -------

Translator :  Angela Hanum  and  Alicia Tan
Bahasa Indonesia Version  
1993 TV Series
 Previous Story :
Qin Xianglian succeed met with Judge Bao. She blocked Judge Bao's trip return to the court.  Even, she was involved small argument with Judge Bao's man, Zhan Zhao and Judge Bao's secretary, Gongsun Zhi, she withstood for seeing Judge Bao.

She asked her own children to knelt down on the street. She showed traditional hand fan from Wan Yangling so Judge Bao can see th fan.  Recognized the fan belongs to his old friend, Judge Bao approached Qin Xianglian and asked her request.  After listened to Qin Xianglian's explanations,  Judge Bao decided took her and her children to his court and his living place.  

Meanwhile, Chen Shimei was anxious to waited Han Qi.  Han Qi didn't returned at the appointed time.   Then,  the government official named Wang Zhao visited his place to notified that Han Qi was found being a corpse.  Wang Zhao informed to Chen Shimei that Chen Shimei has awaited by Judge Bao at his court.  Chen Shimei visited to Kaifeng without knowing Judge Bao's trick.

Chen Shimei was arrested by Judge Bao  after confronted with Qin Xianglian. Chen Shimei was hopeless could ran from Judge Bao.

" Why you didn't admitted your kids and your wife existences? "  asked Judge Bao to Chen Shimei. But, he refused to answer.

Judge Bao sent a letter to The Emperor about detention of his son-in-law.  The Emperor sent his sister to Kaifeng for took Chen Shimei out.  But, unpredictable,  Judge Bao rejected The Emperor's sister to released Chen Shimei.

" The Emperor, The Emperor's family, Officials, or commoners are the same ! Must to following the regulations. All equal before the law ! "  said Judge Bao sharply.

Judge Bao told to her that Chen Shimei will beheaded after he is proven guilty. The Emperor's sister unacceptable with Judge Bao decision. She left the court with flashed face and rushed to meet with The Empress. She informed that Chen Shimei will beheaded by Judge Bao.  The Empress not least her furious after listened  this informations.  She ordered to her maids and did trip to Kaifeng.

She almost get heart attack after saw Qin Xianglian and listened to her explanations that Chen Shimei is her husband. The Empress accused her that she lying about her story.  She was unacceptable spelled out a liar by The Empress,  she was on the defensive,

" You are a mother. Why you thinking about your family only? What about me and my children? Does Chen Shimei could runaway without responsibility to her and his own children? No, I won't let him free..."

The Empress didn't wits.  She warned Judge Bao about The Emperor regulations, " Long ago to the present,  none of officials has bravery to against The Emperor.  Do you want known as a defector? "

Judge Bao confused.  One side, he did not wanted against The Emperor who trust on him to uphold for justice, but the other side he felt totally wrong if he did not solving Qin Xianglian's problem.  Finally, Judge Bao given Qin Xianglian a pocket of money.  Judge Bao asked  her to returned to her village and starting over.

Qin Xianglian very disappointed for Judge Bao decision.  She thinks she wants suicide with her children.  She threw back the pocket money to Judge Bao,

" I don't need this. I was wrong rely on you as well as Master Wan Yangling. I guess he doesn't know that you are change and more favorable to The Emperor's family even you know they are wrong ! "

Will Qin Xianglian getting justice for her and her children. Will Judge Bao could help her and against The Emperor? Could Judge Bao maintained his position as The Righteous Judge?  Has he a bravery to against The Emperor who trust on him for all this time??
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