The Legend
Original Story : 아랑전설
Story Issued : King Myeongjeong's time
at Joseon Dynasty
Year : 1600
Translated by : Martin Kim ( Kim Joong Won )

This pavilion considered as one of 3 beautiful pavilions in Korea contiguous with Bubyeoungnu and Choksoengnu. Beside of Yeongnamlu Pavilion, there is a stele and shrine called, Arang-gak.
Arang-gak is a shrine which dedicated to a beautiful woman who lived in 1600 in the reign of King Myeongjeong. A beautiful woman named Arang who died which been killed by her father's men as well as servant. Very tragically indeed. Let's we flashback to more 400 years ago.
In Joseon dynasty in 1600's, Miryang had a righteous magistrate named, Yun. Magistrate Yun has a beautiful 19 years old daughter named Arang. At an early age, Arang, lost her mother and she lived with her family nurse. She lived very happy around of her father and her nurse until the tragedy night came to her life and changing everything.
Magistrate Yun known well as the righteous magistrate. At that time, the righteous magistrate like an oasis in Korea. Righteous magistrate is a requirement as many corruption cases in the palace and in the government's body. When Magistrate Yun inducted being magistrate in Miryang, many government officials going dread.
They were afraid lest their corruption cases will be revealed. That's why many government officials harbor revenge to Magistrate Yun and tried to overthrow him with many ways.
Meanwhile, Magistrate Yun had lower employees named Baekga and Jugi. Jugi fell in love with Arang since he saw Arang for the first time when she visited her father and carried lunch for her father. Baekga whilst hate Arang's father and conspired with some government officials to overthrow Magistrate Yun. Baekga drooled with Magistrate Yun's position and made agreement with those officials, if he's rise up replaced Magistrate Yun, he will made officials impunity.
Everytime Arang came to her father's office and gave lunch for Magistrate Yun, Jugi always seduced her in the hall of the way to her father's office. Actually, Arang never responded his temptation and replied with smile that certainly made him thinking Arang is shy. This made Jugi more bravery to seduced her with letters and touching hands.

" You don't care with him. But, why you give him a smile when he tried to seduce you? " asked Arang's nurse one day when she saw Arang dumped the letters.
" My father is a magistrate in this state, Aunty. He always remind me to be polite to everyone both his employees to the people. " Arang answered sharply.
More and more, Jugi couldn't controlled of himself every time he looked at Arang more beautiful day by day. Actually, Arang didn't went to beautiful day by day. Only because Jugi fell in love with her, Arang more beautiful day by day in his eyes.
One day, Jugi conveyed his letter to Arang's nurse and said to her that he want talking something serious about his feeling. Arang's nurse said to Arang about Jugi's words. Next morning, when Arang arrived in her father's office, Jugi grabbed her hands. Arang taken aback.
" Arang, please follow me. I want to talk to you about serious something. "
" I am so sorry, Jugi. My father needs me in his office. He must be starving now. I should to give this lunch to him and I couldn't be late. He can suspicious later. " Arang answered very gently and calm.
Jugi had broken heart. He didn't acceptable with her rejection. He is very sad and ran to backyard of the court. He hit one pillar of the court many times as his emotional impingement. Baekga was returned from one official whom hates Magistrate Yun seeing Jugi hit the pillar.
" Hey, what's wrong with you ? " he snapped.
" I am sorry.......I just broken heart, Sir. " said Jugi.
" Broken heart ? This place is your working place. Not for your emotional impingement. Better you go home and finish your problem first ! "
" But I am broken heart because of the daughter of Magistrate Yun. " Jugi replied.
Baekga turned around her body and looked at Jugi very deeply. He laughed loudly.
" You ??? You broken heart because of that stupid girl, Arang ?? "
Jugi nodded his head. He wiped his tears stealthy. Suddenly, Baekga has an idea. He seemed found a way to overthrow Magistrate Yun. He got closer with Jugi and whispered something on his ears. Jugi smiled after it.
One day when Arang visited her father's office, Jugi getting closer with Arang's family nurse. He gave money with amount exceeded her salary. Even double for it. She is very glad when she received that money.
" You have to help me, nurse. " said Jugi.
" What can I do for you, Master ? "
" I hear that Magistrate Yun will doing unannounced inspection next week. I know Arang would be alone at home. So, you have to asking her to go to bamboo forest in outside of this town. I will be waiting for you two in there. " Jugi explained.
" What for we going to bamboo forest ? That place no one living in. I am afraid if I should to meet you in there, Master. " said the family nurse.
" Stop talking too much ! *Dagchyeo ! I don't need any excuses ! If you failed to bring Arang to bamboo forest, you will know soon what will happening to your family members ! " threat Jugi.
The family nurse dread to argue with him. She just nodded her head. The important thing is she got a lot of money now. She never had money with amount like this. She imagined what will she buy for her family in her hometown.
After all, Magistrate Yun told to his daughter about his planned to do unannounced inspection to few district courts. And this order for trip from The King. He called the family nurse to face on him one night before his trip.
" Please, take care of my daughter very well. I don't want to hear everything connection with bad things. "
" Don't worry, Master. I am serve this family for years. I will take care your daughter as like as my own daughter. " replied the nurse.
That night, Magistrate Yun slept very tight because he thought that nothing he should worried about his place. His daughter, Arang, slept beside him. Meanwhile, the family nurse got visitor in the midnight. None other is Jugi.
" How's our plan so far ? "
" Don't worry, Master Jugi. Everything is going well. " said the nurse.
In the beautiful morning, Magistrate Yun waved his hands to his beloved daughter. He started to do his trip for a week. Arang felt very sad at that time. But, she didn't know that was her premonition about something worst gonna happened. She thought that her feeling because she is far away from her father.
All this time, her father never left her alone as like this.
All this time, her father never left her alone as like this.
In the night, Arang stood up in the backyard. She sat in the backyard terrace. She looked at the full moon which adorned that night. She felt miss her father.
" Daddy, hopefully you can take care of yourself. I am far away to do so. " Arang mumbled.
The family nurse being approached her.
" My Lady, why we don't take some time to enjoy the full moon in outside ? "
" What do you talking about, Aunty ? " asked Arang.
" I mean, why don't we going to outside while we enjoying this night with the beautiful full moon in the sky ? " replied Arang's nurse.
Arang thinks that the best idea. All this time, her father never allowed her to walking around of their big house. Her father always said that outside of their house is dangerous area. She can't enjoy the view around their house without guardian beside her. But now, she's surely her father won't be mad because her nurse around her.
Arang nodded her head with smile. She took her nurse hands and they were hang out for a while.
Arang so surprised when she can feels blowing of wind wiped her cheeks. She can feels touching leafs from trees. She can touch the clear water flows in the gutter. She's very happy with these things. She did a little dancing when she enjoyed that.
Arang so surprised when she can feels blowing of wind wiped her cheeks. She can feels touching leafs from trees. She can touch the clear water flows in the gutter. She's very happy with these things. She did a little dancing when she enjoyed that.
She didn't realized her nurse carried her very slowly to the bamboo forest. Suddenly, Arang felt someone grabbed her arms. When she turned back her head, she saw Jugi behind of her.
" What are you gonna do ?! " she screamed.
But, Jugi closed her mouth with handkerchief and carried her into the bamboo forest. Jugi said to the nurse to left them alone. Tha family nurse whom seeing Arang struggled for free couldn't bear when she looked at Arang. But, Jugi dislodged her to away.
Jugi brought her went to deeper into the forest. He let her free but still grabbed her hands.
" I love you, Arang, for long time ! What about you now ?! " whispered Jugi frightened her.
" I know that. I am so sorry for that. I have no feeling for you at all. I am so sorry, Jugi. Please, let me go now. I swear I won't tell to my father about this. I will forgive you...." beg her to Jugi.
" What ?? Forgive me ?? Who will let you go now. I wanna get you anyhow ! And now, you coming up my desire to get you ! " Jugi shrieked.
Jugi still didn't acceptable with her rejection. Jugi encourage Arang's body down. He took off her clothes and raped her. Arang cried. She couldn't shrieked. Her mouth gagged by Jugi's handkerchief. From her eyes pulled out of thousand tears, we knew how was Arang's feeling to have a deal with this.
After Jugi wreaked his depraved intentions, he laughed loudly. He satisfied get her dignity.
" Ha ha ha ha ha are dirty now ! None ways for you to marry with one else but me ! Ha ha ha ha..........."
With all her strength, she kicked Jugi's feet until he fell down. She tried against him even her hands attached by rope. Jugi got wrath. He really wrath to a woman in front of him now. Jugi not knowing what to do in face Arang's stubborn resistance, took out a knife, stabbed her and killed her.

He left the forest in the next morning and notified to Baekga about Arang's death. They laughed together. Baekga invited Jugi to drink at his house 'till drunk.
" Let us celebrate ruination of Magistrate Yun....! " said Baekga.
The news of Arang's disappearance spread throughout of the city. And the news of Arang's disappearance reached to her father's ears, Magistrate Yun. He knew about his daughter disappearance from his guard who carried the letter from Miryang's State Court. Magistrate Yun was very shocked.
The Magistrate Yun enquired to his guards about his daughter's disappearance but he couldn't found anything. He's sad. He ordered to his guards that he wanted to returned to Miryang as soon as possible. Along the path to Miryang, Magistrate Yun didn't stopped expel his tears. He hide his face into his sleeves. He cried in his carriage. He didn't imagined he lost his daughter after his wife's death.
When she arrived at home, he called the family nurse and enquired to her. The family nurse admitted do not know anything about Arang's disappearance.
" The night of her disappearance, Arang asked me to allowed her to walking around of this house. Arang forced me to allowed her. She promised to didn't walked far away from this house, Master. " said the family nurse blamed Arang.
" I can't do anything, Master. She is your daughter. I just her nurse. " she continued.
In the next morning, Magistrate Yun ordered of all his guards to seeking for Arang. After few weeks, all of his guards returned with empty hands. No one seen Arang in the night her disappearance. Among of guards his sent to seeking for her daughter, Jugi was one of them.
Jugi sent a letter to Magistrate Yun as his pretended condolences. He also suggested to Magistrate Yun for asked some help from government officials or his own colleagues. Baekga and some of his colleagues from government officials came to Magistrate Yun's house and showed their pretended condolences. They were promised helped Magistrate Yun to seeking for his own daughter.
For a while, their words gave strength for Magister Yun. But, for long time he didn't found any news or signs about his daughter, made him dropped down. He was so beaten of his daughter's disappearance. Finally, Magistrate Yun decided returned to his hometown, Hanyang. But now, without his daughter.
Profound sadness forced him to get off his position as Magistrate. He left his memories about his daughter and their house with a broken heart. His enemies in the government draw a sigh of relief. They satisfied for his pullout, especially Baekga, Jugi and their gangs.
After pullout of Magistrate Yun, many men applied to be the successor of Miryang's Magistrate. Government gave feasibility test to all men. One by one, replaced the position of Magistrate Yun. But, strange to say, they were each dead by the following day.
Because the weird state of affairs continued, there was no one who wanted to be the Magistrate of Miryang. Even for Baekga, someone who was excited to replaced of Magistrate Yun from the first time.
One day, a honest and courageous young man came to Miryang Court's Office. He offered himself to followed the feasibility test and willing to be the next magistrate. He really wanted to know why all the next magistrate dead after inducted.
Because the government was worried that no one would go to Miryang's Magistrate, they were overjoyed to accepted him without feasibility test. The young man named Yi Sang-sa.
In the first night after inducted being the next of Miryang's Magistrate, Yi Sang-sa lived in Magistrate Yun's house. Yi Sang-sa walked around the house which used to being residence of Magistrate Yun and his vanished daughter.
" Hmm........I should to know how can the daughter of Magistrate Yun vanished at that night. This house only have 1 gate as entrance and exit. And, the gate under controlled by guards..... " he mumbled to himself. Still thinking and looking for evidences how can Arang was gone.
The family nurse who knew everything still stay in that house. Magistrate Yun didn't brought her to his hometown. Yi Sang-sa called her to face on him.
" Ma'am, can you collect candles in this house? I want to lit all candles in this house. Well, let's say I wanna giving my homage to Arang who have ever lived in this house before me and wherever she is now. "
The family nurse obeyed him and collected all candles in the house. After all, Yi Sang-sa lit all candles and put those candles in every corner at the house. The family nurse left the new Magistrate alone. Yi Sang-sa said as pray,
" Arang, the daughter of Magistrate Yun, wherever you now,I give these candles as my last homage to you. Please, accept my words. "
Suddenly, the wind blew hard and flown away the papers on the desk. As well as flown away Yi Sang-sa's **hanbok. Yi Sang-sa turned around and he saw the maiden ghost came closer to him. With long hair, ripped clothing and bloodstained head appear.
Yi Sang-sa who saw the maiden ghost didn't feel scared. Strange anyway. Yi Sang-sa tried to opened the conversation with that maiden ghost.
" Who are you? I am sure that you are beautiful girl when you were alive. What can I help you? " asked Yi Sang-sa.
" I am Arang ! "
" Arang??? Why did you being into the ghost??? What happened to you?? Are you killed magistrates before me???? "
Many questions glided from his mouth. Yi Sang-sa invited Arang to sit down on the chair beside him. Arang followed him to sat. She looked so sad and seemed to heavy talked everything to him. Yi Sang-sa understood.
" Don't worry. Your secret will be save with me. I'll try my best to help you, Arang. I really respect of your father, Magistrate Yun. Don't you feel sorry for your father? He stopped being the magistrate because of you. Please, tell me so I can help you, Arang. "
" Are you sure want to help me? " asked her doubted.
Yi Sang-sa nodded his head and smile.
" I was been killed by one of lower employee of my father. His name is Jugi. He fell in love with me. But I rejected him because I even didn't like him at all. He was raped me and my body was buried in the bamboo forest. He paid my family nurse for brought me to the bamboo forest. "
" Your nurse? The maiden who stay with me now? Does she your nurse? " asked Yi Sang-sa.
" Yes, she was my nurse. She saw when Jugi locked me up because I struggled to set me free. She is happy with that money ! " said Arang furious.
" Ok, just go for few minutes. I will asking your nurse first. Agree? "
Arang nodded her head. Yi Sang-sa called the family nurse to came into his room. Yi Sang-sa asked her sharply.
" Do you know something about the death of Arang, ma'am? "
She shook her head. She convinced him that she is innocent and didn't connected with the death of Magistrate Yun's daughter.
" Really? I know everything about you. If you lying to me, and I find evidences connecting with you inside, you'll be trap in prison for all your life, ma'am. You don't feel guilty with your all family which you've been gave money from Jugi? "
The family nurse shocked her guilt to Arang revealed. She still insisted that she knew nothing about the death of Arang. Then, Yi Sang-sa allowed her to out of his room.
In a few minutes, there was a scream voice in outside of the Yi Sang-sa's room. Magistrate Yi didn't ran to the voice. He opened the door slowly and walked to the voice slowly too. He walked to the kitchen. He found his servants gathered around in front of the kitchen door.
" Are you awakened, guys? I really am sorry......"
Yi Sang pulled the door of the kitchen. Followed by his servants. The family nurse found hanged herself by Magistrate Yi and his servants. All servants cried out of fear. Magistrate Yi found a letter on the kitchen table. With handwritten, the family nurse confessed her guilt to Arang.
She confessed that she received money from Jugi to brought Arang went to bamboo forest. She confessed that she didn't knew that Jugi killed Arang. She didn't saw the case at all. Yi Sang-sa asked respectful to his servants for returned to their each room. Magistrate Yi carried the letter to his own room.
Arang ghost came closer to him. He showed the letter to her and she cried.
" I never blamed her for what occurred to me. I love her as well as assumed her being my mother. She took care of me since my mother passed away. I just disappointed to her because she took money from Jugi ! "
" Don't worry, as my promise, I will help you. " said Magistrate Yi.
" You have to catch up Jigu, Magistrate Yi. He was killed me. He joined with Baekga and a few government officials. Baekga wanted to overthrow my father because he wanted to replaced my father's position. " said Arang.
She continued.
" My father frightened every government officials whom involved with corruption cases. At the same time, that was his mission to wiped out the corruption. Baekga will protecting officials whom doing corruption if he becomes a magistrate. Baekga provocated Jugi after my rejection to him. Baekga is the brain of this case !! "
Arang started furious.
" Jugi was broken heart,I knew it. But, he won't did that cursed action if he didn't get supported from Baekga. For Baekga, this is the only way to overthrow my father from his position, Magistrate Yi. And I know he's done it ! Ruined my life and my father. If Baekga never provocated Jugi....I am.....I am.......I still be alive ! "
Arang's voice trembled and she cries.
Her path destiny very pathetic and tragic. She and her father already being victims of plots. Position and facilities for Magistrate Yu makes someone being jealousy. The jealousy blinded his eyes and his heart. The obsession to grub up Arang's father from his position caused Arang lost of her live with tainted condition like this.
" Ok....ok.......I understand now. But, you know Arang. I never met with them before. I even don't know their face. Jugis face even Baekga's face. How can I help you now? " asked Magistrate Yi then.
" I will exchange to be a white butterfly, Magistrate Yi. You have to giving order to all your employees for gather round in your office. When you see a white butterfly touch down 2 men. It means, that is they are ! Baekga and Jugi. " Arang explained.
" Great. I will do that, Arang ! But, may I give you one question before you leave ? " asked Magistrate Yi.
" Go on, Magistrate. "
" Why did you killed all magistrate before I am, Arang? "
" I didn't killed them, Magistrate Yi. I came to them just like I do to you now. But, when I tried to closer to them, and tried to tell them about this thing, they were very shocked then die ! " Arang explained. " You are so brave to face on me, Magistrate. "
Magistrate Yi smiled to Arang. When Arang wanted to left him, she turned back.
" Magistrate, before you demand them later, would you like to brought them to bamboo forest where did I buried by Jugi? "
Magistrate Yi nodded his head. Then, Arang left him alone for take a rest.
In the next morning, Magistrate Yi ordered his guards and a few employees to find a dead body of Arang. They were shocked when they heard Arang was dead because killed by someone. They worked all day to find Arang's dead body. Late in the afternoon, one of the guards find a dead body which buried under a set of big bamboo trees.
A woman dead body who had been killed in cold blood with a knife still embedded on her body. With ripped clothes because the rape. The grave really not deserved for Arang, the daughter of Magistrate Yun. Magistrate Yi understood now why Arang came down back to the earth because of this !
Magistrate Yi asked his guards to brought the dead body to his house. He really waiting in the next morning for investigation.
Next day, Magistrate Yi gathered all his employees from lower employees to his own colleagues. Including Baekga and Jugi inside.
" Gentlemen, you have to know why do I gathering all of you today. I want to do investigating one interest case for me. The case of Arang's disappearance. "
All his employees surprised with his explanation. For what we talk about Arang? She was disappeared and none of us knows where she is, they whispered and looked each other.
" Gentlemen, quite. Arang didn't disappeared like what we guessed. She was dead. She's been killed by cold blood murder. Moreover she got raped before she died. And now, I am gonna find the murder of her ! "
Clamorous voices filled the hall. They didn't believed about the death of Arang.
" Magistrate, do not talk recklessly. If you judging someone without evidence, your reputation might be falling down. " said Baekga.
Suddenly, the white butterfly touching down his hat. Magistrate Yi knows that is Baekga from hhis uniform. Baekga is one of his colleague because he has equal level with him.
" Really? Why you don't follow me to trough my investigate? Maybe, I will find a new evidence about her death. " said Magistrate Yi sharply.
Baekga's face turned to red. He seemed really wrath with Magistrate Yi's statement. His statement invited suspicion from people in that hall. Baekga avoided Magistrate Yi. Then, the white butterfly seen touching down to a hat of lowest employee. Magistrate Yi knows that one must be Jugi.
After all, Magistrate Yi ordered Jugi and Baekga to stood in front of Magistrate Yi. Everyone looked at them with suspicion. Magistrate Yi asked his guards to take out Arang's dead body where he saved in his bedroom last night.
" Do you know who is she? " asked Magistrate Yi.
They shook their head. They were scared if Magistrate Yi knows about their guilt to Arang.
" You don't have anything to tell me about this thing? " asked Magistrate Yi louder.
" We don't know at all, Master ! " they answered sharply together.
Magistrate Yi asked all gentlemen to followed him to Yeongnamlu, the base of shrine Arang-gak next time. Yeongnamlu covered by bamboo trees. Magistrate Yi showed a big hole former a grave of Arang.
" Do you see this hole, Gentlemen? This hole where Arang buried after she's been killed. " said Magistrate Yi. " And I know Baekga and Jugi involved of her death ! "
Everyone shocked heard about that. Even, Arang's father, former magistrate Yun, came into Magistrate Yi's investigation after he received the invitation from Magistrate Yi. He was crying when he saw the worst grave for her daughter.
Magistrate Yi showed some evidences he's got from Arang ghost. Also showed letter from the family nurse. After 7 hours investigation, Jugi and Baekga under arrested after pleaded guilty. They also asked mercy to Arang's father, Magistrate Yun. But, he rejected even for seeing them face for the last time.
Baekga and Jugi being executed. All people who saw the investigation felt wondering how can Magistrate Yi revealed this case after long time buried being ice cube.
" I know about them cooperated to killed Arang because Arang ghost came into me and told to me about their action. It so easy for me to reveal this case if I have guidance from the real victim. " Magistrate Yi answered very calmly.
Magistrate Yun, Arang's father said thank you to Magistrate Yi.
" Magistrate Yun, hopefully you will be back to your position. I am here because I was curious about your daughter case. But now, it's all over. " said Magistrate Yi to Arang's father while embraced him
Magistrate Yun refused Magistrate Yi's offering with smile. For him, it's enough if the murder of his daughter was found. He was so sure that his daughter will be in peace now. The villain got worthwhile punishment. So, to fulfilled his promised to Arang, Magistrate Yi prepared of the best funeral for Arang.
He asked all his employees prayed for Arang. Arang's dead body got worthy burial. Since punishment time for her villain, Arang ghost never appeared anymore.

Arang ghost must be very happy in Miryang. In a beautiful place with the colors of autumn and blooming petals of Eulalia.
The legend of this shrine mention if you get hurt by someone, you can coming to Arang-gak. Pray for Arang and tell to her about your suffer. Arang will coming to someone who hurt you already and haunting that one until that one asking you to forgive him.
Yet maiden in Miryang still doing pray in Arang's shrine every at 16 in the 4th month of lunar calendar.
** hanbok : Traditonal dress from Korea
Arang-gak kan nama kuil yang sangat terkenal di Korea Selatan. Oiya,gambar yang menjadi latar belakang cerita ini kurang banget. Jadi,kesannya engga bervariasi. emang engga bisa ditambah yaah?
BalasHapusHe he he he he..emang agak susah mencari gambar untuk cerita Arang ini.
BalasHapusWalau cerita legenda Arang ini diterjemahkan oleh Martin Kim yg asli dari Korea, tetap saja gambar untuk cerita ini sulit didapat. Kami hanya bs menyajikan gambar dengan latar belakang kuil itu sendiri. Mohon maaf atas kekurangannya.
Huahahahaha....arang is the best legend from Korea. I love to read repeatedly. Please,show more Korean Legend on this blog.