The Legend
Judge Bao
Translated by : Angela Hanum
Adapted by : Judge Bao's history 1992

If you living in Asia whether far east Asia, west Asia, or south east Asia, you are definitely knows about Judge Bao. But, if you living in Europe or US, I am sure it might be the first time you hear about him.
Judge Bao had a real name is Bao Zheng ( 包拯 ). He lived in the world from 999 to 1062. He died at his age of 63 years old. Born in the family educated, but his parents lived barely adequate. This thing influenced him to learned about poverty, learned how to very difficult to found a few money for food, learned how to be someone righteous and fair, and learned how corruption was devastated the lives of people.

When he grew up into a teenager boy, he had a lot of friends from his neighborhood to a few of official's children. But, most of his friends came from commoners. That's why he really understood about their suffer caused law sided with rich man at that time.
He hated the corruption and made a committed to uphold the justice. For him, no matter who you are whether rich or poor, commoners or nobleman, if you are guilty, you shall responsibility of your guilt.
A man who gave him a big influence to be a righteous judge is Liu Yun. Liu Yun was a judiciary officials in Luzhou, China. Besides, Liu Yun known well as writer of poetry and literature. Liu Yun also known as lover of justice and hater of evil. Liu Yun also appreciated Bao's intellectual and his talent throughout this time. Under of Liu Yun's influences, Bao was giving his faithfulness to the emperor and his love to the people.
When he was 29 years old, he was graduated from The Highest Imperial Examination. Under the direct supervision by the emperor. He's got the title called Jinshi. According to the regulation at that time, people with Jinshi's title can be appointed occupied important post. Then, The Emperor assigned Bao to occupied judiciary officials position in Jianchang District.
After few days as judiciary officials, he sent a resignation letter to the emperor with the reason he should to taking care of his parents whose getting old. Bao returned to his hometown and taking care of his parents for 10 years. After his parents death, Bao returned to followed The Highest Imperial Examination with under direct supervision by the emperor. The Emperor saw Bao and forbid him to followed the exams but asked him to coming into the palace in the next day.
The Emperor assigned him back to occupied judiciary officials position. But now, he was assigned in Tianchang District. When he was getting back his post, Bao was 40 years old. People called him with title Judge Bao.
As the judiciary officials, Judge Bao worked with righteous, bravery, and straight to the truth. Many people impressed of his intelligence and assertiveness. Including The Emperor whom promoted him then gave him the important post as Judge in Bian ( recently Kaifeng ), the capital of Song Dynasty. He was known for its uncompromising stance to corruption among of government officials at that time.
Bao was uphold the justice, even, he refused conformed to the higher power than him if it wasn't true. Including to the Master Pang (庞太师) as the emperor's father-in-law who doubles as the teacher of crown prince so Master Pang (庞太师) deemed Bao as his archenemy.
Approximately 30 years since Bao held the position of judiciary officials from the first time, historical recorded, as many 30 people from the highest government officials include a few of ministers has been derived even dismissed by him due to corruption, collusion, indiscipline of duties, etc. He is the judge who doesn't knows about compromise. For him, guilty is guilty. The truth is the truth.
6 times he persuaded and asked the emperor to fire one of highest level officials, Zhang Yaozhuo. Zhang Yaozhuo is the uncle of the highest mistress of the kingdom. 7 times persuaded and asked the emperor to fire Wang Kui. Wang Kui is one of highest level officials in the kingdom and also known the emperor's confidant. Bao also succeed to influencing the emperor to fire prime minister, Song Yang.
Only in his capacity as a judge in the capital city, Bao always succeed to convinced the emperor without found any difficulties. Nobody knows why the emperor could believe into him very much. Bao seemed more perfect being the emperor advisory than a judge in judiciary.
While before Bao, many former emperor's advisories have had bad luck caused the emperor disagreed with their advices. One of them which famous is Sima Qian, a historian and philosopher from Han Dynasty which emasculated by former the emperor, Emperor Han Wu Di, because the emperor Han Wu Di disagreed with his advice.
In the government, his best friend is the uncle of the emperor, Zhao Defang. Zhao Defang also known as The 8th Prince (八王爷 ). Among the masses, Bao known as The Righteous Judge. He also known as judge who brave to making decision for everything based on justice. He also didn't afraid to tell the truth even the truth related to emperors family though. For Judge Bao, everyone who guilty, even the emperors family and relatives, shall be punished commensurate with the deeds.
Judge Bao known as chinese judge with his black skin. Some people said, his black skin was not real born with black skin but his representation who lived among the corruptors and crime of laws which coloring judicial at that moment. Judge Bao also described have the crescent moon on his forehead. Half of ancient china historian said, the sign of crescent moon on his forehead caused he was did long kneel before his parents as a sign of his devotion to his parents.
Judge Bao was given the honorary title as Bao Qing Tian by the emperor. Qing Tian it means blue sky. But, for people who hate him so much, he called with Bao Heizi. It was meaningful Bao The Black.
Judge Bao was given the honorary title as Bao Qing Tian by the emperor. Qing Tian it means blue sky. But, for people who hate him so much, he called with Bao Heizi. It was meaningful Bao The Black.
Bao was dead at 1062 and buried at the family cemetery in Hefei, China. In Hefei City, also built a shrine for memorize him. His body has been buried, but his battle to uphold the justice with the risk hated by government officials, lost his best friend because of uphold the justice and get into trouble with the emperors family when he should to arrested the emperor's son-in-law would be immortal and will be remembered by all generations in Asia.
Asian people greatly missed the figure of Judge Bao. It might be all over the world, greatly missed the figure of Judge Bao. A judge who working based on justice, brave to against the emperors family ( The President and His officials )and keep walking on the truth without afraid to losing his occupation !
Everything based on justice ! The Goddess of Justice might be opening her blinkers and justice no longer blind if judges all over the world taken act like Judge Bao !
We hopefully so................................
Asian people greatly missed the figure of Judge Bao. It might be all over the world, greatly missed the figure of Judge Bao. A judge who working based on justice, brave to against the emperors family ( The President and His officials )and keep walking on the truth without afraid to losing his occupation !
Everything based on justice ! The Goddess of Justice might be opening her blinkers and justice no longer blind if judges all over the world taken act like Judge Bao !
We hopefully so................................
Addddduuuuuuuuuuuuuhhh......tengkyuraratengkyu aaah.......
BalasHapusGila, gw uda lama bgt ga denger kabar Judge Bao. Walau di internet byk, tp blog ini mau menceritakan hakim bao secara tertulis khusus en bukan umum 'kan?
Kbr terakhir, ktnya Judge Bao ada masih tayang yah di China sana?
seandainya indonesia ada hakim bao....
BalasHapuspasti jadinya aman,tentrem en damai.Tuhan,kirimkanlah hakim seperti bao kepada kami
Udah pernah ada kaleeeee.....tuh Pak Baharuddin Lopa. Inget dong sm beliau.Kalo macem hakim bao di Indo mah,belon ngukum koruptor die duluan yg dimampusin.
BalasHapusWakakakakakakakaka..betul..betul..betul..engga ada org baik bertahan lama usianya di negara ini
BalasHapusMba angel lagi...kenapa yah selalu mba angel yg keluar dgn cerita yg fantastik macem hakim bao ini?
BalasHapustolong ulas hakim bao secara lebih lengkap.Kaloyg ini mah umum doank
BalasHapusWaduh...waduh....ternyata Judge Bao enggak pernah kehilangan fans-nya yaaah ?! Aq juga salah satu penggemarnya.
BalasHapusOh iya...tenang saja. Msh ada lanjutan kisah Judge Bao. Ini hanya sekedar introduction aja. Spy, pembaca yg bkn dr Asia, bisa memahami terlebih dahulu sosok Judge Bao.
Baru kali ini, langsung dpt tanggapan bertubi2 atas posting Judge Bao. Terimakasih atas apresiasinya yaah.....
Kalo py referensi lengkap ttg legenda Judge Bao, boleh dikirim2 ke e-mail kami.
_Angela Hanum_
BalasHapusAq Rency. Mbak Angela, sy pengikut setia nie.Suka baca postingan Mbak.
Untuk pembaca yg lain.Salam kenal,yah.
Aq jg sgt berharap ada hakim bao di Indo.Cm kayaknya uda jauh panggang dari api,tuuh..
Wow cerita Judge Bao yuah.Mudah2an bakalan seru di blog koq belom ada ceritanya?Ini sie cuman ringkasan hidup si Bao! judge bao udah keluar. Ini versi pertamanya yg wkt itu tyang d RCTI. Hebat deh ini blog!!!!! lima jempol
BalasHapusHello, my name is Camelia.I living in China. Nice 2 know this blog :)
BalasHapusJudulnya ganti nweeeh..masa jadul gitu! Ganti Judge Bao The Best Judge In The World.
BalasHapusMbak, kok susah yah nyari di google postingan mba?
BalasHapusIya.susah sekali mencari blog mba di google.Mungkin mba belom pasang sitemap atau meta tags?