The Story
Judge Bao
Qin Xianglian
---- Part III ----
---- Part III ----
Translator : Angela Hanum and Alicia Tan
Adapted From : Kumpulan Kisah Klasik Dari China
Bahasa Indonesia Version
1993 TV Series
Previous story :
Wan Yanling decided to helped Qin Xianglian for demanded her own husband whom being son-in-law of The Emperor. But, because of his position, Wan Yanling did not able to uphold justice for Qin Xianglian.
Nonetheless, Chen Shimei was former student of Wan Yanling. Chen Shimei who followed Highest Royal Examinations did exams under the auspices of Wan Yanling. So, Wan Yanling felt so heavy with this burden.
Finally, Wan Yanling found the perfect way and the perfect date to disenchanted Chen Shimei as former husband of Xin Qianglian, to admitted to The Emperor that he was been married with Xin Qianglian before he married The Emperor daughter.
It was Chen Shimei birthday party. However, Chen Shimei's eyes whose blind of power and material refused to admitted his former wife and his own children existences. Even though, he blew harsh words to his former mentor, Wan Yanling.
Without thinking last, Wan Yanling braved to given the hand fan to Xin Qianglian. The traditional hand fan for Government Officials escorted Xin Qianglian in its quest found the Judge Bao !!
When Qin Xianglian and her children arrived the entrance of border town, she heard crowd sounds from far. She saw people stood up along the street,
" There must have a great officials will passing here...." said Qin Xianglian to herself.
She took her children ran to the mob. She poked someone among of the mob and asked,
" Sir, who is the officials will passing here? "
" Judge Bao, Madam. This mob is waiting for him. Judge Bao will passing here. " someone answered with shining eyes.
What? Judge Bao? Xin Qianglian cheered in her heart. Finally, her grappled to came across Judge Bao in Kaifeng would be over soon. She quickly pulled out the conferment a hand fan from Wan Yanling.
Qin Xianglian put the fan on its head. She ran broken through the mob lines so she could stood up in the middle of the street.
People shrieked that she avoided. But, Qin Xianglian stood yet in the middle of the street. Not for long, came a trumpet voice as symbol a great officials passing by. Qin Xianglian knelt with her children in the street that Judge Bao's entourage will passed. People stood up along the street pounding for waiting what would next happened to her because she and her children blocked the entourage of Judge Bao
Qin Xianglian felt scary on her heart. She knew that she will die if she kept preclude the entourage of Judge Bao. But, she didn't care after all. She believed that Judge Bao will be helped her after seeing this traditional fan from Wan Yanling. Qin Xianglian hold the fan on its head with closing her eyes. Then, the entourage of Judge Bao arrived !
Judge Bao's the head of guards, Zhan Zhao and Judge Bao's secretary Gongsun Zhi saw a lady and her kids knelt on the street. They walked slowly to Qin Xianglian before Judge Bao's palanquin approached them,
" Hey, lady, please move on. Judge Bao will passing here. Do not blocking our trip like this. "
" Nooooooo !! I want to meet the righteous judge in this country !! Judge Bao !! I ask for justice from Judge Bao !! " Qin Xianglian shrieked to Zhan Zhao and Gongsun Zhi repeatedly.
Apparently, Zhan Zhao and Gongsun Zhi unsuccessful to evicted them from the street. From his palanquin, Judge Bao saw a lady and her children knelt in the street.
" Stop ! " Judge Bao said to his guards. " Put me down here now. "
His guards put his palanquin down. Judge Bao came out of his palanquin.
" What's the matter here, Zhan Zhao? "
Qin Xianglian heard a dignified deeply voice. A shady voice to anyone who hears. A wise voice to people in need of justice. Qin Xianglian still knelt down in the street, forced Judge Bao to approached her. People stood yet along the street only could be quite after saw Judge Bao walked approached to Qin Xianglian.
" What's the matter of here, Zhan Zhao? " asked Judge Bao with dignified voice.
Zhan Zhao turned around his body and knelt down along with Gongsun Zhi and Qin Xianglian,
" Master, this lady knelt down in this street. Blocking our trip to the court. She said she wants ask for justice from you. I don't know why. I'm sorry for this inconvenience. " Zhan Zhao answered full of respect to him.
" It's true, Master Judge Bao. That lady knelt down in the street since she knew you will passing this street. " said one people among the mob pointed towards Qin Xianglian then confirmed by other.
Judge Bao approached Qin Xianglian until several steps from her. His eyes rounded wide and furrowed his brows when he saw a familiar fan on Qin Xianglian's head. Judge Bao really know well that hand fan belongs to one of the best officials, Wan Yanling.
" Lady, where did you get the traditional fan on your head now? " asked Judge Bao mentioned that fan.
" Master, you are the famous Judge in this country. You were being the legend from generation to generation. I need justice and my helper said it's only you who could help me and solving my problem. " Qin Xianglian answered with trembled.
" Alright. I appreciate your explanation. But, may I know where did you get the fan, Lady? And what kind of justice you need from me? " asked Judge Bao back.
" My helper is Master Wan Yanling. And I want demand my own husband. My own husband have become The Emperor son-in-law, Master. Chen Shimei !!!! " Qin Xianglian shrieked to spilled out her heart. Spilled out her problems which tighten her feet.
The mob stood yet in the street being startled when they heard Chen Shimei's name was mentioned. Judge Bao smiled behind his long beard. Judge Bao knew this trouble must be so heavy as to person like Wan Yanling could not solve it. Judge Bao given the sign by his finger to brought Qin Xianglian to his office.
" Lady, please come with us. Talk to Master Judge Bao in his office. " said Zhan Zhao while lets her and her children to walking beside Judge Bao palanquin.
Qin Xianglian and her children stood up and followed the entourage of Judge Bao. Her heart being calm now. She knows that her hopes to get justice and seeing her husband get punishment will no longer. They left the street as well as the mob with high expectation of justice.
Qin Xianglian admired Judge Bao's court. Very modest. She admired with three guillotine with forms Dragon Head, Tiger Head and Dog Head displayed on his court. Judge Bao's secretary, Gongsun Zhi, carried a tray with two cups of green tea.
" Lady, what the related to Chen Shimei and you? " asked Gongsun Zhi while he lets Qin Xianglian to sit down. Gongsun Zhi also lets her children to playing around the garden of the court.
Qin Xianglian being quite whilst bites her lips. Her tears began to fell down on her tears. Slowly, she told to Gongsun Zhi what was happened to her life before. After all, Judge Bao appeared with his official suite as a judge. He sat down behind the desk of court. The drums of court were rung. It's a sign the court has begins.
" Lady, this is my office. This is my court. No one will set free from here if he's proven guilty. So, your duty now is tell me the truth. Whom you want to demands? " said Judge Bao aloud.
Qin Xianglian knelt down in front of Judge Bao. She started told to him about her problems. She wanted demanded her own husband, Chen Shimei. She told that her own husband lied to The Emperor about his marital status. She told that her own husband even did not admitted his own children and her existences.
She told that Chen Shimei hired someone to chased her and her kids for killed them. Qin pulled out the dagger for killed her before. The dagger was covered by blood. Qin Xianglian told to Judge Bao whose blood covered the dagger.
Judge Bao became wrath after listened Qin Xianglian's explanation. Without waiting for a minute, he ordered his secretary, Gongsun Zhi, given helped Qin Xianglian to writing her lawsuit. Judge Bao gave order to his guard, Ma Han, to quickly towards Wang Chao's residence, the authorized officials, to do forensic upon Han Qi dead body. Judge Bao wrote a letter to Wang Chao for arrested Chen Shimei as soon as possible.
Meanwhile at Chen Shimei's mansion, looks like Chen Shimei did back and forth. Chen Shimei was awaiting obituary Qin Xianglian from Han Qi. But, Han Qi did not appeared yet in front of him.
" Damn ! The deadline has been passed ! Where is Han Qi? Why he is not coming yet to tell me about his job ! " Chen Shime grumbled to his self still still kept back and forth.
Chen Shimei decided to returned to inside of his mansion and took a cup of wine for calm down his heart. Suddenly, his Lady Maids, came bothering him,
" Master, there is a government officials named Wang Chao in outside. He wants to meet you. He said he has something important news that you should to know. "
Chen Shimei gulped and being aghast. The arrival of Wang Chao officer succeed to frightened him. Chen Shimei said to his Lady Maids lets Wang Chao officer came into the mansion. Wang Chao welcomed by Chen Shimei with well. Chen Shimei set a good seat for Wang Chao. He also asked the best wine to his Lady Maids but Wang Chao refused that.
" You don't have to do that, Master Chen Shimei. I only carried the bad news to here. There was a dead man found nearby Liu Lin Lake. The autopsy said he was Han Qi. Han Qi was murdered by a robber. As long as I know, Han Qi was one of your confidant. Don't worry, the robber was captured by Judge Bao. So, Judge Bao Zheng awaiting you in his office. " said Wang Chao officer given explanation to Chen Shimei.
Chen Shimei getting shocked. He didn't assumed that his confidant, Han Qi, was been killed by a robber. Nonetheless, Chen Shimei who didn't knew the reality is Qin Xianglian demanded him for the murder of Han Qi, prepared his departure to Kaifeng, where Judge Bao Zheng lived.
Judge Bao also prepared his court. He asked Qin Xianglian waiting for him in the Court Main Hall. Judge Bao took the lawsuit from Qin Xianglian and put the letter on the bench. Shortly, Chen Shimei arrived at Judge Bao's court along with Wang Chao officer. Ma Han told to Judge Bao that Chen Shimei and Wang Chao in outside of the court.
Judge Bao appeared in the court. Chen Shimei walked to the court and met Judge Bao. He asked to Judge Bao about chronologies the death of Han Qi,
" Judge Bao, how could a man with good martial arts skill died because murdered by a robber? Would you tell me how could it happened? And where Han Qi death body now? "
Judge Bao laughed out loud after heard this question. He asked Zhan Zhao to brought the robber who killed Han Qi. Zhan Zhao and Ma Han was understood with Judge Bao's meaning. Ma Han and Zhan Zhao took out Qin Xianglian and her children appeared in front of Chen Shimei. When Chen Shimei saw them, he pulled out of his sword for cut their neck without words.
Judge Bao rush to prevent by his hands, " Chen Shimei, why do you wanna kill them? "
Chen Shimei speechless for while then he asked to Judge Bao, " Where the robber who killed Han Qi, Judge Bao? "
Judge Bao laughed out loud again. But this time his laughed sweeter than first, " Ha ha ha ha....if I don't tell you that Han Qi was murdered by robber, you won't coming here, will you? Ha ha ha ha...."
That time, Chen Shimei just realized about Judge Bao's trick. Chen Shimei got mad and ready to left Judge Bao's court. Swiftly, Ma Han and few of guards blocking Chen Shimei with their swords.
" Please, Master Chen Shimei, please sit down first....." said Judge Bao finally while reached out his right hand. Judge Bao also asked Qin Xianglian and her children out of the court while he talked to Chen Shimei first,
" Alright, Master Judge Bao. I'm excused to out. Master Chen Shimei, I'm excused to out with our children. Please, enjoy your conversation with Master Judge Bao. " said Qin Xianglian punctured Chen Shimei's feeling.
Chen Shimei only can nodded his head then looked away to the Judge Bao. Judge Bao smirked to Chen Shimei,
" You should admitted them from a long time ago, Mister Chen Shimei. Even before you married with The Emperor daughter. "
" I coming here for Han Qi. Nothing else, Judge Bao. I don't need mention this conversation moreover for that lady. " Chen Shimei replied tartly.
After said that, Chen Shimei turned around his body and wanted left the court again. But this time, Judge Bao grabbed his hands.
" Because you already coming to my court, you can't leaving this place anymore. " said Judge Bao calmly with his right hand restrained Chen Shimei.
" Zhan Zhao, Ma Han....! Ringing the drums of the court now ! " commanded Judge Bao to his men.
Ma Han ran to drums soon and beat up the drums many times. After drums of the court rang, four guards entered the court followed by Gungson Zhi, Qin Xianglian and her children walked behind the guards.
Judge Bao walked to his the bench. He was beaten his the bench for three times for a sign the court has begins. He gave the lawsuit to Zhao Zhan. Zhao Zhan forwarded the lawsuit to Chen Shimei.
" Read that letter first, Chen Shimei ! Your wife demand you for your denial of their existences. You have forgot to reciprocated your wife favor. Also, you lied to The Empress, deceived The Emperor about your marital status and you have tried to killed your wife and your children. These are big mistakes and hard to given forgiveness !! " said Judge Bao loudly.
Next, Judge Bao took out the dagger which used by Han Qi for killed Qin Xianglian and her children before. Judge Bao played the dagger with his hands. Chen Shimei only glimpsed then annoyed grunt,
" Huh, I don't know this lady and her children at all. So, what's my benefit to kill them? And I have no favor to this lady. What should I reciprocate favor to them? "
Judge Bao commanded to Gungson Zhi showed to Chen Shimei the handle of the dagger. Chen Shimei only gulped without words. On the dagger there was a written the name of his mansion and who is the owner of this dagger. His eyes became bleary. Chen Shimei being quite because he knew nothing he could doing anymore. One thing he knew, he should to runaway from Judge Bao's court !
" Chen Shimei, where do you think you can going? " asked Judge Bao sharply when he saw Chen Shimei turned around his body wanted left the court again.
" Judge Bao Zheng !! I should return to the palace and come across The Emperor first. He needs to know about this case and your planning to arresting me. " Chen Shimei replied haughtily.
Judge Bao was not foolish person. Absolutely, he didn't allowed Chen Shimei to leaving the court before this murder case being revealed. Chen Shimei unacceptable his treatment from Judge Bao.
" Judge Bao !! Remember your position as well as mine ! I am The Emperor son-in-law. What could you doing to me? " said Chen Shimei humiliate and pointed his finger to Judge Bao's face.
Judge Bao only laugh out loud. Replied Chen Shimei's curtly words,
" Ha ha ha ha.....who do you think you are, Chen Shimei?! You just son-in-law of The Emperor ! Even The Emperor tough, if he is proven guilty, I can beheading The Emperor, Chen Shimei. Don't you know my power of this?! "
Chen Shimei felt defeated by Judge Bao. He cussing Judge Bao erratic. Judge Bao smiled at him,
" Zhan Zhao, Ma Han !!! Take off the greatness suit and the greatness cap of Chen Shimei !! " commanded Judge Bao to his men.
" Yes, sir !! " said his men sharply.
Zhan Zhao prepared ropes to binding Chen Shimei and Ma Han used his stick to beat his knees and made him knelt down. Chen Shimei felt Judge Bao embarrassed him so deeply especially in front of Wang Chao officer. He was so angry but could nothing with hands bound.
Zhan Zhao immediately brought Chen Shimei to the prison. Then, Judge Bao wrote a letter to The Emperor about the events of arresting his son-in-law. Wang Chao excused his self after he was seeing the events of arresting The Emperor son-in-law.
Next day, The Emperor sent his sister escorted by her lady maids to Kaifeng. Zhan Zhao met them in front of gate. Zhan Zhao told to Judge Bao that The Emperor's sister visit the court based upon commandment The Emperor. When The Emperor's sister as well as princess in the palace saw Judge Bao appeared on the court, she became wrath to Judge Bao,
" Hey, Judge Bao, you are only The Chief Judge in here. You have no rights to arrested my niece's husband !! If he's proven guilty, so it will be affairs of The Palace. You aren't our family. So, let him free. I want take him away. " said her whilst slapping the bench of Judge Bao and pointed at his face.
Judge Bao silent and unmoved. He kept steady sat down behind his bench.
" Impudent !!! You trying against The Emperor, Bao Zheng?!! " she shrieked. " What exactly do you want?!?!?! "
Judge Bao's face still loud as iron. Without expression and tones, Judge Bao affirmed,
" After judged him, I will cut his head off immediately ! "
The Emperor's sister being panic after heard Judge Bao's words. She knew that Judge Bao always do what he said. The Emperor's sister tried to persuaded him with the lure of wealth and power. Yet, he remained at its founding.
This behave made The Emperor's sister getting more wrath, she threatened Judge Bao,
" Do not ever meddle affairs of The Palace, Judge Bao, or you'll get big trouble. When the day is come, regrets is too late ! "
This threat replied by Judge Bao with rough, " The Emperor, The Emperor's family and commoners are the same ! We all comply to applicable law and I'm on my duty to handle this ! "
The Emperor's sister getting furious more and more. She left the court with flushed face and went to meet The Empress immediately. The Empress was not least furious when she heard The Emperor son-in-law under arrested by Judge Bao. She straight to did a trip to Kaifeng and seeing Judge Bao. With the royal cavalcade, it seems Judge Bao need to prepared for the great guest.
The Empress sat down on the court. No one can stopped her into the court without graceful. We can see from her face that she hold grudges. She's been waiting for Judge Bao and drank for tea many times. She couldn't made her heart calm down with those tea.
" May I help you, My Majesty? " The Empress heard a dignified voice from a man with name Judge Bao who appeared in front of her and sat down behind the bench very calm down. Judge Bao did a homage for The Empress with knelt down along with his men on the court.
The Empress stood up directly and plied him with insult as well as questions. Bao Zheng stood up and returned to his bench slowly. Then, he explained to The Empress what's the problem very clearly. The Empress fell down to the seat while stroke her breast. She didn't wanted believe what Judge Bao's explanation.
" Who is person who has bravery to demand The Emperor son-in-law? " asked The Empress after can controlled herself and her emotions.
Judge Bao called Qin Xianglian and her children. After, The Empress saw village lady with her children, she ordered her guards to beat her up. Judge Bao's men prevented The Empress guards to beat Qin Xianglian and her children.
" What's your reason to beat her up, My Majesty? " asked Judge Bao.
" This rubbish village lady is a liar !! She lies to you about the story of The Emperor son-in-law. Chen Shimei is a good man. Impossible he can do as what she said to anyone !! Very impossible ! "
Judge Bao went to Qin Xianglian and asked her to tell the truth about her life and her own husband, Chen Shimei. Qin Xianglian's story only left rainy tears from The Empress.
" You can see itself, My Majesty. The Emperor son-in-law, Chen Shimei, proven guilty ! He have to beheaded ! " said Judge Bao sharply.
In sever crying, The Empress persuaded Qin Xianglian, " If you demand Chen Shimei and ask for justice. Then, Judge Bao will cut his head off, what about The Emperor's daughter? She's gonna be a widow, young lady. What would happen to her life without her husband? "
Qin Xianglian answered firmly, " My Majesty, you are a mother ! You should to know my feeling right now. Do not thinking about your family only. What about me and my children? Does Chen Shimei could runaway from his responsibility to us?? No ! I won't let him go ! "
" You see this evidence, My Majesty. Chen Shimei is guilty ! What is appropriate punishment for a man who denied existences of his own wife and his own children as well as lie to The Emperor for his marital status?? " asked Judge Bao closed the conversation.
The Empress couldn't thinking anymore. Only her tears reflected of her heart. She said, " Long ago to the present, none ministers and his people brave to against The Emperor, Judge Bao. Chen Shimei is one of our family member now. So, who has bravery to kill him, I will kill him too ! "
Judge Bao given back his homage to The Empress with knelt down. He felt awry now. One side, he didn't wanted against The Emperor who gave the trust to him but another side, he felt he completely wrong if he did not defended Qin Xianglian and given the justice for her.
Judge Bao confused. He returned to his bench then called Gongsun Zhi to lead The Empress so she can take a rest for while before Judge Bao decided punishment for Chen Shimei. After that, Judge Bao took a deep breath. He knew this problem so heavy to solved. However, this is his duty and he's on it.
" Qin Xianglian, you can see The Empress condition. I know I am on my duty to solving your problem. But, half of my body tied to the royal regulations. I can't against my own Emperor. This is a pocket of money. You can live with this money. " said Qin Xianglian to finally whilst pull out a pocket money from his suite.
" Comeback to your village and starting over. I'm sure you can living better with this and everything is gonna fine. " Judge Bao's suggestion to Qin Xianglian.
Qin Xianglian very disappointed when she saw Judge Bao more favorable to the royal family than her and her children live. Without a word, she threw the pocket money towards the bench of Judge Bao and ready for left,
" You are my last hope, Judge Bao. I rely my problem on you according with Master Wan Yanling said. I thought you are the righteous judge as what people said about. I thought with your power, you can give me a justice for me and my kids. I thought with your power, even The Emperor tough, will knelt down onto you. But I know, I thought I was wrong as well as Master Wan Yanling who trust you so. You more favorable with The Emperor's family that you know they are wrong ! "
Qin Xianglian said those words without seeing Judge Bao's face. She turned her body towards the door. She was hopeless. On her mind, she just wanted suicide with her children. She knew it was useless to against the rulers.
Judge Bao was jolted. He immediately realized his completely mistaken. Judge Bao rushed towards Qin Xianglian and prevented her to left.
" Wait, Qin Xianglian.........I really am so sorry. I knew I was wrong treated you like this. Your problem won't finish with money. Let's we finish this problem. " said Judge Bao tried to convenience Qin Xianglian.
Judge Bao was determined defends the weak, " Please, give me one more chance to prove that I am the Judge Bao ! I always defends innocent people ! And nothing problem I couldn't finish ! Please, give me one more chance, Qin Xianglian ! "
" There must have a great officials will passing here...." said Qin Xianglian to herself.
She took her children ran to the mob. She poked someone among of the mob and asked,
" Sir, who is the officials will passing here? "
" Judge Bao, Madam. This mob is waiting for him. Judge Bao will passing here. " someone answered with shining eyes.

Qin Xianglian put the fan on its head. She ran broken through the mob lines so she could stood up in the middle of the street.
People shrieked that she avoided. But, Qin Xianglian stood yet in the middle of the street. Not for long, came a trumpet voice as symbol a great officials passing by. Qin Xianglian knelt with her children in the street that Judge Bao's entourage will passed. People stood up along the street pounding for waiting what would next happened to her because she and her children blocked the entourage of Judge Bao
Qin Xianglian felt scary on her heart. She knew that she will die if she kept preclude the entourage of Judge Bao. But, she didn't care after all. She believed that Judge Bao will be helped her after seeing this traditional fan from Wan Yanling. Qin Xianglian hold the fan on its head with closing her eyes. Then, the entourage of Judge Bao arrived !
Judge Bao's the head of guards, Zhan Zhao and Judge Bao's secretary Gongsun Zhi saw a lady and her kids knelt on the street. They walked slowly to Qin Xianglian before Judge Bao's palanquin approached them,
" Hey, lady, please move on. Judge Bao will passing here. Do not blocking our trip like this. "
" Nooooooo !! I want to meet the righteous judge in this country !! Judge Bao !! I ask for justice from Judge Bao !! " Qin Xianglian shrieked to Zhan Zhao and Gongsun Zhi repeatedly.
Apparently, Zhan Zhao and Gongsun Zhi unsuccessful to evicted them from the street. From his palanquin, Judge Bao saw a lady and her children knelt in the street.
" Stop ! " Judge Bao said to his guards. " Put me down here now. "
His guards put his palanquin down. Judge Bao came out of his palanquin.
" What's the matter here, Zhan Zhao? "
Qin Xianglian heard a dignified deeply voice. A shady voice to anyone who hears. A wise voice to people in need of justice. Qin Xianglian still knelt down in the street, forced Judge Bao to approached her. People stood yet along the street only could be quite after saw Judge Bao walked approached to Qin Xianglian.
" What's the matter of here, Zhan Zhao? " asked Judge Bao with dignified voice.
Zhan Zhao turned around his body and knelt down along with Gongsun Zhi and Qin Xianglian,
" Master, this lady knelt down in this street. Blocking our trip to the court. She said she wants ask for justice from you. I don't know why. I'm sorry for this inconvenience. " Zhan Zhao answered full of respect to him.
" It's true, Master Judge Bao. That lady knelt down in the street since she knew you will passing this street. " said one people among the mob pointed towards Qin Xianglian then confirmed by other.
Judge Bao approached Qin Xianglian until several steps from her. His eyes rounded wide and furrowed his brows when he saw a familiar fan on Qin Xianglian's head. Judge Bao really know well that hand fan belongs to one of the best officials, Wan Yanling.
" Lady, where did you get the traditional fan on your head now? " asked Judge Bao mentioned that fan.
" Master, you are the famous Judge in this country. You were being the legend from generation to generation. I need justice and my helper said it's only you who could help me and solving my problem. " Qin Xianglian answered with trembled.
" Alright. I appreciate your explanation. But, may I know where did you get the fan, Lady? And what kind of justice you need from me? " asked Judge Bao back.
" My helper is Master Wan Yanling. And I want demand my own husband. My own husband have become The Emperor son-in-law, Master. Chen Shimei !!!! " Qin Xianglian shrieked to spilled out her heart. Spilled out her problems which tighten her feet.
The mob stood yet in the street being startled when they heard Chen Shimei's name was mentioned. Judge Bao smiled behind his long beard. Judge Bao knew this trouble must be so heavy as to person like Wan Yanling could not solve it. Judge Bao given the sign by his finger to brought Qin Xianglian to his office.
" Lady, please come with us. Talk to Master Judge Bao in his office. " said Zhan Zhao while lets her and her children to walking beside Judge Bao palanquin.
Qin Xianglian and her children stood up and followed the entourage of Judge Bao. Her heart being calm now. She knows that her hopes to get justice and seeing her husband get punishment will no longer. They left the street as well as the mob with high expectation of justice.
Qin Xianglian admired Judge Bao's court. Very modest. She admired with three guillotine with forms Dragon Head, Tiger Head and Dog Head displayed on his court. Judge Bao's secretary, Gongsun Zhi, carried a tray with two cups of green tea.
" Lady, what the related to Chen Shimei and you? " asked Gongsun Zhi while he lets Qin Xianglian to sit down. Gongsun Zhi also lets her children to playing around the garden of the court.
Qin Xianglian being quite whilst bites her lips. Her tears began to fell down on her tears. Slowly, she told to Gongsun Zhi what was happened to her life before. After all, Judge Bao appeared with his official suite as a judge. He sat down behind the desk of court. The drums of court were rung. It's a sign the court has begins.
" Lady, this is my office. This is my court. No one will set free from here if he's proven guilty. So, your duty now is tell me the truth. Whom you want to demands? " said Judge Bao aloud.
Qin Xianglian knelt down in front of Judge Bao. She started told to him about her problems. She wanted demanded her own husband, Chen Shimei. She told that her own husband lied to The Emperor about his marital status. She told that her own husband even did not admitted his own children and her existences.
She told that Chen Shimei hired someone to chased her and her kids for killed them. Qin pulled out the dagger for killed her before. The dagger was covered by blood. Qin Xianglian told to Judge Bao whose blood covered the dagger.
Judge Bao became wrath after listened Qin Xianglian's explanation. Without waiting for a minute, he ordered his secretary, Gongsun Zhi, given helped Qin Xianglian to writing her lawsuit. Judge Bao gave order to his guard, Ma Han, to quickly towards Wang Chao's residence, the authorized officials, to do forensic upon Han Qi dead body. Judge Bao wrote a letter to Wang Chao for arrested Chen Shimei as soon as possible.
Meanwhile at Chen Shimei's mansion, looks like Chen Shimei did back and forth. Chen Shimei was awaiting obituary Qin Xianglian from Han Qi. But, Han Qi did not appeared yet in front of him.
" Damn ! The deadline has been passed ! Where is Han Qi? Why he is not coming yet to tell me about his job ! " Chen Shime grumbled to his self still still kept back and forth.
Chen Shimei decided to returned to inside of his mansion and took a cup of wine for calm down his heart. Suddenly, his Lady Maids, came bothering him,
" Master, there is a government officials named Wang Chao in outside. He wants to meet you. He said he has something important news that you should to know. "
Chen Shimei gulped and being aghast. The arrival of Wang Chao officer succeed to frightened him. Chen Shimei said to his Lady Maids lets Wang Chao officer came into the mansion. Wang Chao welcomed by Chen Shimei with well. Chen Shimei set a good seat for Wang Chao. He also asked the best wine to his Lady Maids but Wang Chao refused that.
" You don't have to do that, Master Chen Shimei. I only carried the bad news to here. There was a dead man found nearby Liu Lin Lake. The autopsy said he was Han Qi. Han Qi was murdered by a robber. As long as I know, Han Qi was one of your confidant. Don't worry, the robber was captured by Judge Bao. So, Judge Bao Zheng awaiting you in his office. " said Wang Chao officer given explanation to Chen Shimei.
Chen Shimei getting shocked. He didn't assumed that his confidant, Han Qi, was been killed by a robber. Nonetheless, Chen Shimei who didn't knew the reality is Qin Xianglian demanded him for the murder of Han Qi, prepared his departure to Kaifeng, where Judge Bao Zheng lived.
Judge Bao also prepared his court. He asked Qin Xianglian waiting for him in the Court Main Hall. Judge Bao took the lawsuit from Qin Xianglian and put the letter on the bench. Shortly, Chen Shimei arrived at Judge Bao's court along with Wang Chao officer. Ma Han told to Judge Bao that Chen Shimei and Wang Chao in outside of the court.
Judge Bao appeared in the court. Chen Shimei walked to the court and met Judge Bao. He asked to Judge Bao about chronologies the death of Han Qi,
" Judge Bao, how could a man with good martial arts skill died because murdered by a robber? Would you tell me how could it happened? And where Han Qi death body now? "
Judge Bao laughed out loud after heard this question. He asked Zhan Zhao to brought the robber who killed Han Qi. Zhan Zhao and Ma Han was understood with Judge Bao's meaning. Ma Han and Zhan Zhao took out Qin Xianglian and her children appeared in front of Chen Shimei. When Chen Shimei saw them, he pulled out of his sword for cut their neck without words.
Judge Bao rush to prevent by his hands, " Chen Shimei, why do you wanna kill them? "
Chen Shimei speechless for while then he asked to Judge Bao, " Where the robber who killed Han Qi, Judge Bao? "
Judge Bao laughed out loud again. But this time his laughed sweeter than first, " Ha ha ha ha....if I don't tell you that Han Qi was murdered by robber, you won't coming here, will you? Ha ha ha ha...."
That time, Chen Shimei just realized about Judge Bao's trick. Chen Shimei got mad and ready to left Judge Bao's court. Swiftly, Ma Han and few of guards blocking Chen Shimei with their swords.
" Please, Master Chen Shimei, please sit down first....." said Judge Bao finally while reached out his right hand. Judge Bao also asked Qin Xianglian and her children out of the court while he talked to Chen Shimei first,
" Alright, Master Judge Bao. I'm excused to out. Master Chen Shimei, I'm excused to out with our children. Please, enjoy your conversation with Master Judge Bao. " said Qin Xianglian punctured Chen Shimei's feeling.
Chen Shimei only can nodded his head then looked away to the Judge Bao. Judge Bao smirked to Chen Shimei,
" You should admitted them from a long time ago, Mister Chen Shimei. Even before you married with The Emperor daughter. "
" I coming here for Han Qi. Nothing else, Judge Bao. I don't need mention this conversation moreover for that lady. " Chen Shimei replied tartly.
After said that, Chen Shimei turned around his body and wanted left the court again. But this time, Judge Bao grabbed his hands.
" Because you already coming to my court, you can't leaving this place anymore. " said Judge Bao calmly with his right hand restrained Chen Shimei.
" Zhan Zhao, Ma Han....! Ringing the drums of the court now ! " commanded Judge Bao to his men.
Ma Han ran to drums soon and beat up the drums many times. After drums of the court rang, four guards entered the court followed by Gungson Zhi, Qin Xianglian and her children walked behind the guards.
Judge Bao walked to his the bench. He was beaten his the bench for three times for a sign the court has begins. He gave the lawsuit to Zhao Zhan. Zhao Zhan forwarded the lawsuit to Chen Shimei.
" Read that letter first, Chen Shimei ! Your wife demand you for your denial of their existences. You have forgot to reciprocated your wife favor. Also, you lied to The Empress, deceived The Emperor about your marital status and you have tried to killed your wife and your children. These are big mistakes and hard to given forgiveness !! " said Judge Bao loudly.
Next, Judge Bao took out the dagger which used by Han Qi for killed Qin Xianglian and her children before. Judge Bao played the dagger with his hands. Chen Shimei only glimpsed then annoyed grunt,
" Huh, I don't know this lady and her children at all. So, what's my benefit to kill them? And I have no favor to this lady. What should I reciprocate favor to them? "
Judge Bao commanded to Gungson Zhi showed to Chen Shimei the handle of the dagger. Chen Shimei only gulped without words. On the dagger there was a written the name of his mansion and who is the owner of this dagger. His eyes became bleary. Chen Shimei being quite because he knew nothing he could doing anymore. One thing he knew, he should to runaway from Judge Bao's court !
" Chen Shimei, where do you think you can going? " asked Judge Bao sharply when he saw Chen Shimei turned around his body wanted left the court again.
" Judge Bao Zheng !! I should return to the palace and come across The Emperor first. He needs to know about this case and your planning to arresting me. " Chen Shimei replied haughtily.
Judge Bao was not foolish person. Absolutely, he didn't allowed Chen Shimei to leaving the court before this murder case being revealed. Chen Shimei unacceptable his treatment from Judge Bao.
" Judge Bao !! Remember your position as well as mine ! I am The Emperor son-in-law. What could you doing to me? " said Chen Shimei humiliate and pointed his finger to Judge Bao's face.
Judge Bao only laugh out loud. Replied Chen Shimei's curtly words,
" Ha ha ha ha.....who do you think you are, Chen Shimei?! You just son-in-law of The Emperor ! Even The Emperor tough, if he is proven guilty, I can beheading The Emperor, Chen Shimei. Don't you know my power of this?! "
Chen Shimei felt defeated by Judge Bao. He cussing Judge Bao erratic. Judge Bao smiled at him,
" Zhan Zhao, Ma Han !!! Take off the greatness suit and the greatness cap of Chen Shimei !! " commanded Judge Bao to his men.
" Yes, sir !! " said his men sharply.
Zhan Zhao prepared ropes to binding Chen Shimei and Ma Han used his stick to beat his knees and made him knelt down. Chen Shimei felt Judge Bao embarrassed him so deeply especially in front of Wang Chao officer. He was so angry but could nothing with hands bound.
Zhan Zhao immediately brought Chen Shimei to the prison. Then, Judge Bao wrote a letter to The Emperor about the events of arresting his son-in-law. Wang Chao excused his self after he was seeing the events of arresting The Emperor son-in-law.
Next day, The Emperor sent his sister escorted by her lady maids to Kaifeng. Zhan Zhao met them in front of gate. Zhan Zhao told to Judge Bao that The Emperor's sister visit the court based upon commandment The Emperor. When The Emperor's sister as well as princess in the palace saw Judge Bao appeared on the court, she became wrath to Judge Bao,
" Hey, Judge Bao, you are only The Chief Judge in here. You have no rights to arrested my niece's husband !! If he's proven guilty, so it will be affairs of The Palace. You aren't our family. So, let him free. I want take him away. " said her whilst slapping the bench of Judge Bao and pointed at his face.
Judge Bao silent and unmoved. He kept steady sat down behind his bench.
" Impudent !!! You trying against The Emperor, Bao Zheng?!! " she shrieked. " What exactly do you want?!?!?! "
Judge Bao's face still loud as iron. Without expression and tones, Judge Bao affirmed,
" After judged him, I will cut his head off immediately ! "
The Emperor's sister being panic after heard Judge Bao's words. She knew that Judge Bao always do what he said. The Emperor's sister tried to persuaded him with the lure of wealth and power. Yet, he remained at its founding.
This behave made The Emperor's sister getting more wrath, she threatened Judge Bao,
" Do not ever meddle affairs of The Palace, Judge Bao, or you'll get big trouble. When the day is come, regrets is too late ! "
This threat replied by Judge Bao with rough, " The Emperor, The Emperor's family and commoners are the same ! We all comply to applicable law and I'm on my duty to handle this ! "
The Emperor's sister getting furious more and more. She left the court with flushed face and went to meet The Empress immediately. The Empress was not least furious when she heard The Emperor son-in-law under arrested by Judge Bao. She straight to did a trip to Kaifeng and seeing Judge Bao. With the royal cavalcade, it seems Judge Bao need to prepared for the great guest.
The Empress sat down on the court. No one can stopped her into the court without graceful. We can see from her face that she hold grudges. She's been waiting for Judge Bao and drank for tea many times. She couldn't made her heart calm down with those tea.
" May I help you, My Majesty? " The Empress heard a dignified voice from a man with name Judge Bao who appeared in front of her and sat down behind the bench very calm down. Judge Bao did a homage for The Empress with knelt down along with his men on the court.
The Empress stood up directly and plied him with insult as well as questions. Bao Zheng stood up and returned to his bench slowly. Then, he explained to The Empress what's the problem very clearly. The Empress fell down to the seat while stroke her breast. She didn't wanted believe what Judge Bao's explanation.
" Who is person who has bravery to demand The Emperor son-in-law? " asked The Empress after can controlled herself and her emotions.
Judge Bao called Qin Xianglian and her children. After, The Empress saw village lady with her children, she ordered her guards to beat her up. Judge Bao's men prevented The Empress guards to beat Qin Xianglian and her children.
" What's your reason to beat her up, My Majesty? " asked Judge Bao.
" This rubbish village lady is a liar !! She lies to you about the story of The Emperor son-in-law. Chen Shimei is a good man. Impossible he can do as what she said to anyone !! Very impossible ! "
Judge Bao went to Qin Xianglian and asked her to tell the truth about her life and her own husband, Chen Shimei. Qin Xianglian's story only left rainy tears from The Empress.
" You can see itself, My Majesty. The Emperor son-in-law, Chen Shimei, proven guilty ! He have to beheaded ! " said Judge Bao sharply.
In sever crying, The Empress persuaded Qin Xianglian, " If you demand Chen Shimei and ask for justice. Then, Judge Bao will cut his head off, what about The Emperor's daughter? She's gonna be a widow, young lady. What would happen to her life without her husband? "
Qin Xianglian answered firmly, " My Majesty, you are a mother ! You should to know my feeling right now. Do not thinking about your family only. What about me and my children? Does Chen Shimei could runaway from his responsibility to us?? No ! I won't let him go ! "
" You see this evidence, My Majesty. Chen Shimei is guilty ! What is appropriate punishment for a man who denied existences of his own wife and his own children as well as lie to The Emperor for his marital status?? " asked Judge Bao closed the conversation.
The Empress couldn't thinking anymore. Only her tears reflected of her heart. She said, " Long ago to the present, none ministers and his people brave to against The Emperor, Judge Bao. Chen Shimei is one of our family member now. So, who has bravery to kill him, I will kill him too ! "
Judge Bao given back his homage to The Empress with knelt down. He felt awry now. One side, he didn't wanted against The Emperor who gave the trust to him but another side, he felt he completely wrong if he did not defended Qin Xianglian and given the justice for her.
Judge Bao confused. He returned to his bench then called Gongsun Zhi to lead The Empress so she can take a rest for while before Judge Bao decided punishment for Chen Shimei. After that, Judge Bao took a deep breath. He knew this problem so heavy to solved. However, this is his duty and he's on it.
" Qin Xianglian, you can see The Empress condition. I know I am on my duty to solving your problem. But, half of my body tied to the royal regulations. I can't against my own Emperor. This is a pocket of money. You can live with this money. " said Qin Xianglian to finally whilst pull out a pocket money from his suite.
" Comeback to your village and starting over. I'm sure you can living better with this and everything is gonna fine. " Judge Bao's suggestion to Qin Xianglian.
Qin Xianglian very disappointed when she saw Judge Bao more favorable to the royal family than her and her children live. Without a word, she threw the pocket money towards the bench of Judge Bao and ready for left,
" You are my last hope, Judge Bao. I rely my problem on you according with Master Wan Yanling said. I thought you are the righteous judge as what people said about. I thought with your power, you can give me a justice for me and my kids. I thought with your power, even The Emperor tough, will knelt down onto you. But I know, I thought I was wrong as well as Master Wan Yanling who trust you so. You more favorable with The Emperor's family that you know they are wrong ! "
Qin Xianglian said those words without seeing Judge Bao's face. She turned her body towards the door. She was hopeless. On her mind, she just wanted suicide with her children. She knew it was useless to against the rulers.
Judge Bao was jolted. He immediately realized his completely mistaken. Judge Bao rushed towards Qin Xianglian and prevented her to left.
" Wait, Qin Xianglian.........I really am so sorry. I knew I was wrong treated you like this. Your problem won't finish with money. Let's we finish this problem. " said Judge Bao tried to convenience Qin Xianglian.
Judge Bao was determined defends the weak, " Please, give me one more chance to prove that I am the Judge Bao ! I always defends innocent people ! And nothing problem I couldn't finish ! Please, give me one more chance, Qin Xianglian ! "
------------------ To be continued --------------
hadoooooohhhhhhhh......masih aja to be continue!!! :((
BalasHapuskayak sinetron aja nie blog!
Ajiiiiiiiiiibbbbbbbbbbbbbbb...hakim bao yang ketiga keluar lagi dalam waktu dan tempo yg sesingkat-singkatnya.Kayak gini kek,Mba2 penerjemah!
BalasHapusQta 'kan jadi enggak bosen nungguin postinganx
Ini poto si bao umur berapa yuacch?
BalasHapusTuan putrinya songong mampuz!! Ah,hakim bao,taukah anda bahwa indonesia sekarang membutuhkan org2x sperti anda?
BalasHapusEnggak seruuuuuuuuuuuuuu
BalasHapuswhere's this continue story?? why does none posting again?? are u tired?
where the continuation of this story? i think i've been waiting for long time to see other story?
BalasHapusHadeeeeeehhh....mana lanjutannya seeeeeeeeeeeeeeh?!?!?!
BalasHapusMbak Angela,kemana lanjutan blog ini?Kok brenti berita ceritanya?
BalasHapusHello,why this blog is die??