Our Profiles

Safri Wisesa

A handsome man with this tanned skin, very loving translator  and interpreter world.  He never went to formal studied in university.  He was only graduates from high school but he can achieve his goals to makes his life is better now.

A man who never bored to learn from nature and experiences this, jump into the translator world since 2002 when Bali messed up and fell down due to a high explosive bomb blasted which murdered over 300 persons.

" I lost my house, my live, my job, my business, my friends and my family. "  he said with trembled voice.  " I also very sorry for people whom being victims because of this stupid bomb ! "

Since that time, he was started to rebuild Bali and the tourism. Rebuild Bali tourism it means force him to learn and speaking some foreign languages besides English. This funny man now stay in Bali for writing and being a writer.  He's been translating many tourism articles and posting on internet for Bali tourism interests.

He specialized in Arabic,  English,  Korean, and Dutch. 

3 komentar:

  1. Mau dong kenalan sm bli Safri? Kayaknya klo denger dr cerita profilnya, kynya orgnya asik bgt deh. Gw juga ga suka lagu yg ada di blog ini. Masa lagu sedih ky pemakaman? Ganti dong ah!

  2. Terimakasih atas saran lagu di blog ini. Sudah ada 2 org yang komplen atas lagu di blog ini. Berikan ide segarmu untuk menambah kemajuan blog ini.

    Safri Wisesa bisa di contact melalui e-mail kami di : thehouseoftranslators@ymail.com

  3. Apa kabar, bli Safri?? Kangen euy


Be well so other person will be good to you

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