Your comments will publish now !

Thank you for your appreciation to our blog.  We remove some stories and open our hands to receive your tales, your folklore, your legends, etc...........

And from now on, we would love to open comment part of this blog. Because this blog only for education and children,  we hopefully you give good comments, good advice and good suggestion only. 

If you wanna giving your critics about our blog, we are appreciate if you send your critics by private e-mail.

If you using abuse word, we will remove soon.

Thank you so much

The House of Translator

3 komentar:

  1. Seneng deh ada blog yg memayungi ibu2 ky qta ini.Males bgt kalo harus ke Gramed nyari2 buku mlulu.
    Mo ngucapin tengkyu berat atas hadirnya blog ini. Kalo bisa seeh....ganti dong lagu backgroundnya. Ini kan dongeng anak2, masa lagunya sedih gini?

  2. I don't like the song on this blog.So boring and so melodramatic.

  3. Terimakasih atas kritikannya. Kami akan memperbaiki blog ini dengan lebih baik. Menurut anda, lagu apa yang pantas disajikan di dalam blog ini? Kami tunggu ide2 segarnya.

    Thank you for your critic. So, have you any idea for the perfect song presented appropriate on this blog? We are waiting for your ideas


Be well so other person will be good to you

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